Event Rules Update & Coaching Workshop Summary

We had a great remote workshop attended by 25+ students and coaches this weekend. A big shout out to our WSO board members: Scott McComb, Edie Lie for leading multiple sessions, Betty Biswell for serving on the panel, Ron Wright for an inspirational talk on his motivation and work on the new Game Agent event, and finally Jason Chang for many suggestions on how to coach Mission Possible. For those who are interested in running a tournament, Scott shared what they learned and used over the years for organizing. Links to other materials at the bottom of this email. 

In the afternoon we had a hands-on helicopter workshop where 15+ students from WA and Oregon learned basic build skills with our regional Flight experts. Special thanks to Mr. Chase for providing room at Camas High School, and Michael Altig for traveling from Portland to give a demo (e.g. spray or tying knots

I also received news that Evergreen MS Invitational is a Go for February in NW, and the eastern regional will be hosted at Lewis & Clark High School in Spokane! Thanks to regional board members and coaches to make this happen! I will update Scilympiad.com/wa once I have the registration links. 

For coaches still working on PO for their team, if the school district can put a note on the check about which school the payment is for, that would be much appreciated! 

Finally, I want to introduce you to some services offered across the nation. Beyond the national resources like Wednesday webinar, we also have a FREE, virtual Event Workshop Series offered by the Georgia Tech Science Olympiad team. The workshops will cover both general topics—such as competition strategies and effective team structures—as well as in-depth, event-specific concepts. These sessions will be led by Science Olympiad alumni and event experts, aiming to provide teams with high-quality preparation, especially for those who may not have access to paid resources. Sign up using this link Event Registration Form 

Event overview: Follow official rule if there is any discrepancy vs. this introduction. 

Mission Possible Introduction (Jason Chang)

How to write an effective test (Scott McComb) 

Sustainable Energy ruleshttps://scilympiad.com/wa/Docs/UsefulDocs 

Google link for future update on sustainable energy including resources

Game Agent: Rule manual; Rubric and examples are updated by Ron Wright at https://sciolygameagent.wordpress.com/

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