Reminder: All schools/teams are required to abide by both Washington Science Olympiad policies and national Science Olympiad policies. Coaches, please ensure that your students, assistant coaches, parents, and any guests/persons associated with your school have read the policies and are aware of the ramifications for violating them.
Dates & Team Limits
Registration is at and will open on September 3, 2024, at 5 PM. Registration closes on January 1, 2025, and the final registration deadline (including full payment) is January 15, 2025. After this date, coaches of record will be provided with next steps. Note that team withdrawals after January 15, 2025, or after participation in Invitationals will not receive a refund.
Team registration is complete only after full payment is made to WSO (see below) and all school-identified volunteers complete the required form. This form will be available in September 2024 and distributed to coaches.
Schools must register with their geographic region (Eastern, Northwest, Southwest). Please contact the State Director if you are unsure of your region. We encourage early registration (especially for Northwest region teams), as spots may be limited. If a region is full, please contact the State Director so we can update Scilympiad. After the January 15, 2025 registration deadline, if a region exceeds capacity, the State Director will work to accommodate teams at other regional sites, as possible, to ensure fairness for state qualification.
No more than 6 teams from a school may register initially. To register additional teams, please contact the State Director. After December 1, 2024, the Board will determine whether additional teams can compete based on tournament registration. In January 2025, we will assess whether regional affiliation reassignment is necessary to accommodate all teams.
To finalize your registration, WSO must receive payment via PayPal (on Scilympiad), mailed check, or a Purchase Order (PO) from your school or district. Please note:
- WSO requires a hard copy of the PO, which can be sent electronically to the State Director or by mail. Only providing a PO number will not be accepted
- as there is important billing information included on the PO.
- You can use the invoice/PO functions on Scilympiad to initiate payment. Check with your district for any additional PO requirements.
- Once registration is complete, a team number will be assigned. Only when the coach dashboard identifies that you have a team number for each of your teams is your registration official.
No more than 2 teams from a school may advance to the State Tournament. WSO registration is also required for participation in any Invitational Tournaments, including those outside of Washington. Teams must be fully registered with WSO prior to any Invitational Tournament. A separate registration fee applies to each Invitational Tournament.
Fees & Discounts
The registration fee for returning teams is $300 per team (not per school).
New schools may register with a $100 discount for their first team. Additional teams will be charged the full $300/team fee without a discount.
To introduce Science Olympiad to small or rural schools, WSO is offering discounts to new schools (limit discount to one team per school only) that can compete in fewer than half of the regular events or the trial events. This offer is specific to the Southwest and Eastern regions. Please contact the State Director if you wish to participate in this way.
Volunteer Requirement (New)
For Regional Tournaments, participating schools are required to provide at least two volunteers who can help or lead an event. If a school has N teams, we expect (N + 1) volunteers to be provided. This is a new policy for WSO.
Registration Instructions
Log onto the Scilympiad website ( If you’ve registered in the system previously, log in with your username/password and set up your registration(s) for the regional tournament. New schools/coaches will need to create a new login registration and then register for the appropriate tournament (geographic region & division). You can sign up as a coach today (note that we usually track only three head coaches per school). Note: Division B is for middle school/junior high school; Division C is for high school. For general information about team composition and policies, visit the national Science Olympiad website at
You can access much of the generic info on Scilympiad without creating an account, but only after creating an account can you register your school/teams. Team registration will open on September 3, 2024, after which you can register directly from the coach dashboard by clicking on “Update/Add Teams” to register each team. No more than 6 teams from a school may be registered initially, with the possibility to add more when late registration starts on December 2, 2024, space permitting.
Be sure to finalize team registration via online payment (preferred) or purchase order (PO). You can print invoices from the registration page. If you have any questions, please contact the State Director. Note: The State Director will assign team numbers and may adjust regional designations before finalizing teams for the regional tournament.
Membership Benefits
- Membership grants you admission to a Washington Science Olympiad regional tournament. Currently, schools register in the tournament/s of their geographic region (Eastern, Northwest, and Southwest). Top teams from each regional tournament advance to the state tournament at no additional charge.* Top divisional teams from the state tournament advance to the national tournament at no additional charge. (No additional registration fee to compete; although teams need to pay their own travel and lodging expenses to attend tournaments.)
- Members have the right to vote in Washington Science Olympiad elections and Board of Directors issues. This affords you the opportunity to shape the future of Washington Science Olympiad.
- Most important of all, being a member of WSO means enriching the education of students in Washington State, and opening young minds to the exciting world of science!