
 > What's New to WSO
 > SO Phone # Change
 > Contributions to WSO
 > Memorial Fund
 > WSO Newsletter

What's New

  • STAY TUNED!!! LOTS of changes coming for WSO!!!
  • For sneak peak, plan to attend the Annual Meeting 6/22/24 via Zoom. See boardinfo for details.


See BoD Meeting Minutes for info from past meetings.

WSO State Director Phone # Change
  • Effective immediately - no phone # available to connect with State Director - email at statedirector@washingtonscienceolympiad.com
  • Note that emailing the State Director at statedirector@washingtonscienceolympiad.com is BEST contact! 

Contributions to WSO

Since 2010, the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) has awarded $13,640 in grant funds to Washington Science Olympiad to fund new teams. New schools interested in applying for one of the 20-21 SPEEA registration waivers should contact Sue Murphy. Thank you, SPEEA.

Adalis Corporation awarded a $5,000 grant to Washington Science Olympiad to support efforts for involving more schools and students in Science Olympiad. Headquartered in Vancouver, Adalis is a technical and industry leader in packaging, supply chain, and plywood composing fields. Thank you, Adalis.

Hewlitt-Packard contributed $3,500 toward WSO 2022 state tournament T-shirts for participants and volunteers. Thank you, H-P.

Washington Science Olympiad is part of the Washington Combined Fund Drive. This campaign is directed toward most State of Washington/public service employees. Contributions received through this campaign will go toward recruiting and scholarships. Be on the lookout for campaign information and consider including WSO in your contribution.

State and higher education employees may contribute via the Washington Combined Fund Drive - charity #1479519.

To make a contribution to WSO, click here . Or  for more information or to contribute via check, contact the State Director

Memorial Fund. Washington Science Olympiad lost two extraordinary champions for Science Olympiad - Gordon Patterson and Glenn Voshell.

To honor their memories, Washington Science Olympiad is accepting contributions to be used for scholarships and to assist in recruiting efforts for new teams. For more information, please contact State Director.

For information about participating in Washington Science Olympiad, click here.


Newsletters ~ Formerly, WSO published WSO News, a periodic newsletter for informing participating coaches and prospective teams about the latest news, upcoming events, and articles/information of interest.

Fall 2012

Spring 2012

Fall 2011

Fall 2010

Spring 2010

Fall 2009

Spring 2009

Fall 2008


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