
2024 Annual Meeting:

The WSO Annual Meeting is scheduled on June 22, 2024, via Zoom with the following schedule:

  • 9AM-10AM: *Open Coaches Forum - ask questions of WSO Board of Directors (BoD); WSO Unified Schedule and other tasks for 2024-25 will be discussed.
  • 10AM-11AM: Year-End BoD reports/confirmation of adherence to By-Laws; Final election balloting/announcement of results. *Open meeting.
  • 11AM-1PM: Closed BoD mtg for continuing/newly-elected board members.

Connect at identified times: https://yale.zoom.us/my/george.sun

*WSO encourages any/all member schools to attend the open sessions of the Annual Meeting. However, as our Zoom account only allows up to 100 participants, we ask that only 1-2 representatives from a school attend. [No need to notify WSO of intent to attend - we generally don't fill up!] The Zoom log-on code will be posted ASAP.

2024 BoD Election Information:

  • There are three 3-year positions up for election. There are three candidates who applied by the 4/30 deadline.
  • Nine students provided all application materials by the 4/30 deadline for 1-year Student Advisor positions - WSO By-Laws allow up to three Student Advisors.
  • Only the primary coach for each regstered school will be sent the election ballot. For schools with multiple coaches (and if unable to determine primary coach), please consult one another before submitting your school's ballot to avoid conflicting ballots. Ballots should be sent to primary coach by 5/28 with requested return date of 6/14/24. WSO By-Laws allow for voting at the Annual Meeting with a paper ballot, but as it will be via Zoom, paper ballots not possible. Subsequently, ALL ballots must be submitted by email by 6/14/24.

WSO BoD Applicants - please review each candidate's materials (Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume). Again, for schools with multiple coaches, connect with primary coach to identify voting preferences. If unsure who primary coach is, contact State Director.

BoD Applicants:

Edie Lie - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

George Sun - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Banny Wong - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume


Student Advisor Applicants [NOTE: Students' personal info - address/phone/email - blanked out to protect student privacy.]:

En-Chi Hsiao - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Shangqiu Li - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Florence Liang - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Amanuel Nega - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Jane Park - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Sree Sarvepalli - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Arvin Shyam - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Apurv Srirangapatnam - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume

Grace Zhao - Nomination Form, Letter of Intent, Resume


WSO is always looking for hardworking, dedicated individuals to be on the WSO Board of Directors. For consideration for 2025 election (2025-2028 BoD term; 2025-2026 SA term), fill out the nomination form (pdf) (Word) and return to the State Director. Nominations generally close by mid-April each year. Self-nominations are accepted (even encouraged!).          




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